SHOT Show 2018 – Day 1: A Hidden Gem



Occasionally, you’ll be walking through a convention, flea market, or show and you’ll stumble across a hidden gem, a diamond in the rough. It does not happen very often, even at events as large as the SHOT Show, but when you do find one, it makes the search worth it. That was how I felt when I stumbled on Annealing Made Perfect.

Annealing Made Perfect (AMP) is a New Zealand based company that manufactures a compact machine for annealing brass shells. The annealing unit is a moderate size, smaller than most standard computer printers. It is simple to use, with a basic digital screen, three buttons, a USB port, and the slot for the brass shell to be inserted. (Click here)

The entire annealing process takes only 10 seconds per shell. Once the correct program is set and the unit is ready, it can crank out shells every 10 seconds until you need to change the type of shell. The annealing unit utilizes induction to heat the brass, so there are no coils or furnace-like heating components that can burn you if you are not careful.

For the base model, without any add-ons, you have to sit and do each one by hand. However, Annealing Made Perfect sells an adaption that mounts to the top of the annealing unit and mates to a Dillion Precision electric brass hopper. This allows a reloader to fill the hopper with brass, turn the system on and walk away until the hopper is empty.

There are currently over 100 programs that come preset with the base unit. AMP is working to patent a new program to further enhance the annealing process.

This annealing unit made by Annealing Made Perfect is definitely an item to keep an eye on, especially if you are an avid reloader, competitive shooter, or a club.


May 2024